6 Sept 2014

Saturday 6th September - Walker Barn Loop

The start
13 'D Group' runners came out today for the 'Walker Barn Loop' - hills were mentioned and they were definitely there in abundance ... the weather was damp and muggy but it did not rain. This is a tough route with path, trail and forest path - a lot of up and a lot of down. I was really, really impressed that everyone pushed themselves outside their comfort zone and ran well. For many of the group these were new paths and it was a learning curve to run up so much hill ... and to run down it as well.

I think we need a flatter route soon ...

Well done, really well done - you all deserve cake.

Thanks to Dawn, Gemma and Mel for support.

A few of us went to the Fairways Garden Centre for tea/cake and to put the world right!

The route

Off they go ....

Seems easy so far ....

Yes ... nice easy route....

Philip needs gloves...

Still seems easy!

Katie and Jane

Oh ... a hill...

This is a bit harder...

Are we there yet ....

In the cloud ... no light for the camera.

Gemma and Janette

Julie - smile for the camera...

Mel - working hard!

'Twiggy' and Hazel

Sally emerges from the cloud...

Suzanne still has a spring in her step

Phil - the top has come off..

Jane ...

Higher and higher

Working hard on Charity Lane

The cloud was quite thick...

Dynamic Duo...


'Breather Break' in the forest

At last ... downhill

Gemma and Twiggy

Jane and Julie - fast descent

Speedy Phil

Almost out of the cloud...

Dawn and Katie

Finally below the cloud...

Last descent

Are we there yet...

5.5 miles and smiling

Final 800m

Nearly there...

The end...

Pace graph...

OK ... 5.8 miles....

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