11 Apr 2015

Saturday 11th April - Rudyard Romp

After what looked like being a soggy, wet morning, the sun came out at Rudyard Lake just in time for 16 (a new record) happy D Groupers to enjoy the Rudyard Romp!

This was an extended Rudyard run starting at the Knot Inn, Rushton Spencer. The first 2.5 miles were flat and straight along the track by the lake and then we crossed over the bridge to the cafe side, but no coffee stop! We headed up into the woods and along the track back to the car. There was plenty of looping and circling to keep the group together, and everyone worked well together.

As the Knot Inn was closed for refurbishment we took our own refreshments and had a bit of a social in the car park.

A lovely run, well done everyone, you all ran really well!

Ali & Mel

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