14 Jun 2020

Saturday 13th June - Sponds Hill

Today was the first D Trail Group run since the latest changes to COVID-19 restrictions. The club is following UK Govt and EA guidelines so our group size is restricted to 6 runners. This was a 'pilot' to see how things went and it was very successful. Everybody took the 'rules' seriously and 'social distance' was easily maintained due to the route we used. The weather was so good and the scenery so spectacular that after so many weeks without a group run we all agreed to extend it.

Next week we plan to put on two runs....watch out for more details on FB.

Neil and Mike


- Runners will be expected to travel to/from the run alone, carry appropriate ‘kit’ including fluids and food taking the weather and route into account – no sharing will be permitted.

- Runners must not come to a group run if they are experiencing any C-19 symptoms or have been in contact with anyone with symptoms.

- Runners must maintain ‘social distance’ (at present 2m) at all times.

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